Stories of Adaptation

Migration, Adaptation, and Survival are main factors to a groups exsistence over a period of time! For over many Centuries people have traveled across the world in search of Freedom, Resources, and Hapiness in this final assignment we will look at different stories of adaption and survival some good some bad!

Follow the slideshow attached to do the following:
1. View slide show and take notes like normal class (make sure it is in presentation mode so the videos will play).
2. Watch story of Chukchi Tribe.
3. Pick any one of the of the other three stories of adaption located in the slides and links.
4. Create a Venn Diagram to Compare and Contrast the two stories.

Optional Write a 2-3 paragraph Essay on how one of these groups of peoples used the land and its surrounding resources to survive for centuries to come. 

Class code: 32uvfu4
Log into Google Classroom to complete your assignment.