Telling Ancient Time

Over 4,000 years ago, the great pyramids of Egypt were built. But, how can that be? It’s only 2020. So, were they constructed before time started? Not exactly. There were many ancient civilizations that existed before the system of years we use now. When we refrer to anything that happened before years 1-2020, we use a second systeom of years. These are a set of years that are like the ones we use now, but they work backwords. In this lesson, you will learn and practice how to correctly place years and events on a timeline.

1. Open up the loom video and your copy of the google slides lesson.
2. Watch the loom video. This will walk you through the lesson and assignment.
3. Complete slides 8, 9, and 10.

Paper and Pencil
Loom Lesson Video Link:

Class code: 32uvfu4
Log into Google Classroom to complete your assignment.