Grab & Go Time

Anpetu Waste students and families! We miss you! SHOUT OUT to the classrooms, who had 100% of their packets picked up, Mrs. Reynolds and Ms. Claudette's Kindergarten, Mrs. Jensen and Mr. Zach's 1st, and Ms. Hogan and Mr. Mason's 3rd grade. Pilamaya!!!

Grab and Go Learning packets will be available once again for pick up at Rosebud Elementary on April 16 & 17. Please call the school at 747-2411 or use the intercom outside the school and share with us the names of the students you'll be picking up. Staff will get those packets ready for you and place them in a Grab and Go box outside the school. You can pick up sibling packets in other grade bands at the same time. Please put your completed packets in the return box. Teachers will be checking the completed packets and giving feedback to their students. This will be a contactless exchange so everyone can stay safe. 

Here is the schedule.

10:00-11:00-K & 1st 

11:00-12:00-2nd & 3rd 

12:00-1:00-4th & 5th 

1:00-2:00- Anyone that we missed

WOPILA for your patience and kindness! Stay Safe and Healthy!!