
Directions: Back at it with the Lingt lessons!
• Hopefully you have Lingt downloaded to your device by now. You will need the app or a laptop to
complete these lessons.
• Remember to choose the TCMS Lakota Language Class on the left hand side.
• Once you choose the class folder you will see all the Lakota lessons in it.
• Today you will work on Thiyata/At Home 2 lesson which has 5 vocabulary words and a video.
• Follow along with the instructions, record when you you see the prompt. To get to the lesson follow this
link. https://www.lingt.com/allen.wi...
• Remember it is the TCMS Lakota Language class!

• Lingt language app or laptop
• A brain
• Your voice
• Courage to make mistakes

Class code: 32uvfu4
Log into Google Classroom to complete your assignment.