
Have you ever just sat somewhere quietly and pictured a place or an object that made you feel calm? Guided visualizations are usually directed by a script and can be recorded or read aloud. Today, you’re going to try one!
1. Try this simple relaxation exercise/guided visualization (click this link or read it in the document below).
2. Sit quietly and comfortably. Read the script slowly in a quiet place, free from interruptions. You may want to have soft, relaxing music playing in the background while you read the script. Do whatever works best for you!!
3. Afterward, remember what this relaxed state feels like.
4. Create or find scripts for other scenarios you might use for guided imagery—for
example, going on a hot air balloon ride, taking a walk in the woods, or sitting beside a babbling brook. If you don’t know where to start with these, look at the links in the materials at the end of the script (in the doc below). You can also go on YouTube and search different Mindfulness Techniques.
5. Let us know on google classroom which ones work the best for YOU!! Describe what you felt like after a successful meditation/visualization time.

Class code: 32uvfu4
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