Dangerous Digits

Available on the 3-5 Google Classroom page, classroom.google.com class code to join: uptupy3
Activity 1: count the number of times one person in your house touches their hands (napé) on an object like a wall, table, door, pen, paper, phone, couch, or etc. Do this for 10 minutes. What number did you get?
Activity 2: count the number of times one person in your house touches their face (ité). Do this for 10 minutes. What number did you get?
Share: at the end of both activities share with your family what you were doing and ask them to guess how many times they touched objects and how many times they touched their face (ité). Now, share the real answer with them! If you can, share both numbers on the school’s Facebook!
People touch their face (ité) about 16-23 times in one hour! If someone is awake for 12 hours they can touch their face (ité) about 192-276 times in one day!
If someone coughs without covering their mouth the virus can stay in the air waiting for someone to pass by. Some of the virus will also land on a surface, for example a door handle. If you touch that door handle you might touch the car door, the tv remote, your phone, and many other things - you are helping the virus spread. You might even touch your face (ité) - germs and viruses enter your body (thanchan) through your nose (phasú), mouth (í), and eyes (Ištá). Once the virus enters your body you can get sick. This is how a virus spreads, from one person, to everyone in your house, to everyone you visit, to the community.
Most times your body (thanchan) will fight the virus and you will not get sick. Coronavirus, also called COVID-19, is strong. It has many chances to enter your body (thanchan) if you touch your face (ité) and do not wash your hands often. Follow the quarantine, wash your hands (napé) often, and try to keep your hands (napé) away from your face (ité) so viruses do not enter your body (thanchan) and make you sick. By doing these things, you are stopping the spread of the virus and you are keeping your community healthy!